Visualization World
We are a group of specialized youth in a various fields. We are sharing in co-operation, certain and accuracy. We have recent tools in software, management, learning, graphic presentation, modeling and simulation.
MoreWe are a group of specialized youth in a various fields. We are sharing in co-operation, certain and accuracy. We have recent tools in software, management, learning, graphic presentation, modeling and simulation.
The specialized is the best. Any work is considered an integration of different skills. The integration of the different specialties is the main reason for distinguished services.
We search for what you need. If you say ''I need'', you'll find easy, quick and good services.
- Website Design & Development
- Logo Designing & Corporate Identity
- Real-Time Interactive 3D for Architects & Designers
- Showreel CD
- Educational Solutions
- Management Solutions
- Construction Engineering Solutions
MoreWith our years of website design, development & creative design, we are able to deliver the ideal web design and development solutions to you.
Using our state of the art systems and software, we have designers that can design you a bespoke logo, graphic or design.
Our designers use the following software when preparing your designs:
- Adobe Photoshop CC
- Adobe Illustrator CC
- Adobe InDesign CC
- Adobe After Effects CC
- Adobe Animate CC
Our developers are well versed in all kinds of reputed Content Management Systems (CMS) for example Joomla, WordPress, coding languages like HTML, php, asp, .net etc, FLASH technology and other development tools that will help enhance your website functionality.
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